Task - Scheduling tab

Data fields

These data fields are captured or displayed on the Asset Type Task - Scheduling tab or the Asset Task - Scheduling tab, and are used to and schedule Asset Tasks and generate and create Proposed Work Orders for Asset Tasks.





(Task) Interval Type

The Interval Type that determines whether the Asset Task appears on the list of Proposed Work Orders.

The (Task) Interval Type determines the basis on which an Asset Task with a specific Scheduling Method should be scheduled.

These Task Interval Types are available:

  • Ad Hoc (no scheduling)

  • Calendar Based

  • Usage Based, based on meter readings

  • Event Based.

Task Interval Types are configured using the ACPD - Scheduling Configuration - Task Interval Types menu option.

Default Interval

Only for “Usage” and “Calendar” based Task Interval Types.

The Default Interval that is associated with an Asset Task’s Task Interval Type determines how frequently the Asset Task is scheduled when Proposed Work Orders are generated.

Select a Default Interval from the lookup list.

Non-Usage Based Reading Required

Enabling this setting will allow meter readings to be captured for non-usage based tasks.


The Event that determines when an Asset Task with an Event-Based Task Interval Type is executed.

Select the Event from the lookup list.


Only when the Asset Task is linked to an Asset with a Meter.

Select the Meter that is linked to the physical Asset.

Roll Up Point

The Roll Up Point for the Asset Type or Asset that this Task is associated with.
One Proposed Work Order is generated for all the Asset Tasks with this Roll Up Point.

Scheduling Method

The Scheduling Method determines how the Estimated Next Due Date is calculated when Proposed Work Orders are generated.

Two Scheduling Methods are available:

  • “Schedule from Last Done”. The Estimated Next Due Date is calculated and one Asset Task is scheduled based on the Asset Task’s Last Done Date.

  • “Schedule from Last Scheduled”. An Estimated Next Due Date is calculated for each occurrence of the Asset Task in the time period determined by the scheduling parameters and based on the Task’s Last Scheduled date, and the Asset Task is scheduled for each Estimated Next Due Date.

Schedule When

Select an option from each of the drop-down lists to specify the criteria used to establish which Asset Tasks must be scheduled.

Days to schedule on

Select an option:

  • Working and Non-Working Days

  • Non-Working Days Only

  • Working Days Only



Select an option:

  • In Season and Out of Season

  • Only when In Season

  • Only when Out of Season

Machine State

Indicates whether the machine is operational.

Select an option:

  • Running and Not Running

  • Only when Running

  • Only when Not Running



Task Classification 1 to 8

Select a user-defined Task Classification.

Best Practice

Asset Tasks should be synchronised to avoid having to shut down an Asset more than once in a week.

The Default Interval associated with each Asset Task’s Interval Type ensures that the same Asset Task only occurs on a Work Order once a week.

Please note!