SLA Trigger Information tabs

SLA triggers contain three tabs - Header, Notifications, and Notes:

Header tab


Data fields


The Header tab displays the following information:





A unique code that identifies the SLA trigger


 A description of the SLA trigger

Site Code

The unique code that identifies the site (user rights) for which the SLA trigger is associated with.

Trigger Percentage

The percentage of the allowed time that has elapsed, at which the trigger will be activated


A checkbox indicating whether or not the SLA is currently active

Notifications tab

The Notifications tab lists all the notifications and attachments that are linked to the SLA trigger:



Data fields


The Notifications tab displays the following information in the Notifications section:




Template No

 The unique number that identifies the notification

Template Notification

 The description/name of the notification

 Template Notification Notification Type

 The notification type (email or SMS)


Who the notification should be sent to.
-  If the Replace Audience option is checked, the email addresses defined in the Audience field will replace the audience that has already been defined in the notification  template.
- If the Replace Audience option is left unchecked, the original audience, defined in the template, will be used.
- If the Replace Audience option is unchecked and additional recipients are defined in Audience field, the additional recipients will be added to the template audience.

 Replace Audience

 Whether you want to modify the set audience
 IsActive  A checkbox indicating whether or not the SLA is currently active
 Notes  Notes related to the notification

The Notifications tab displays the following information in the Attachments section:





 The unique code that identifies the attachment

 Attachment Type

 The attachment type


 The content of the attachment
 IsActive  A checkbox indicating whether or not the attachment is currently active
 Notes  Notes related to the attachment

Notes tab

The Notes tab displays any notes that have been added to/about the trigger: