Configure Option Values for the Options that are associated with an Asset.
Business rules
In the Asset Tree, the Options that are available for a physical Asset are listed in a lookup list of Options for the Asset Type on which the Asset is based. Option Values can only be added to the Asset for the set of Options in the lookup list.
The Option Values that apply to a specific physical Asset depend on the Asset’s physical context, and only the applicable Option Values are captured for the Asset when the Asset model is configured.
A physical Asset in the Asset Tree inherits a sub item that is specified for the Asset Type on which the Asset is based if the Rules defined for the sub item (using the applicable Option Value captured for the Asset) are satisfied as a result of the Rules Evaluation during synchronisation.
The inherited items that do not apply to the Asset in its physical context are automatically excluded as a result of the Rules Evaluation during synchronisation.
Configuring Option Values
Refer to Master data for Asset Register > Asset functionality > Add Option Values to an Asset.