Link Downtime Losses to a Work Order


Add feedback about the downtimes that affected the elapsed time of the work.

How to… Link Downtime Losses to a Work Order 

1.   Click  then Downtime Losses in the toolbar on the Work Order edit window.
The Downtimes Losses for Work Order window opens.


2.   Click +.
A new row appears in the grid edit window.

3.   Click  then select a Downtime Loss from the Lookup list.

4.   Select the Down From date and time.

5.   Select the Down To date and time.

6.   Save the record.

Data fields

Refer to Work Order - Work Order Downtime Losses.

Business rules

What can I do?

These non-standard tools are available on the Downtimes for Work Order window.



Select a Downtime Loss Reason from the Lookup list.