Add Work Order feedback for Failure Analysis


Analyse why the Asset Component failed (causing the breakdown and associated downtimes) and record how it was repaired.

Before you start

How to… Add feedback for Work Order Failure Analysis

1.   Click Maintenance Manager - Work Orders then .
The Work Order edit window opens.

2.   Enter the Work Order’s Code in the “search” field and click  to find the Work Order and populate the Work Order edit window.

3.   Analyse the Asset Component’s failure.

4.   Select the appropriate Failure Analysis combination on the Work Order - Feedback tab.
If Use Global Lookup lists is not ticked then select the appropriate Failure Analysis combination from all combinations configured for the specific Asset.
If Use Global Lookup lists is ticked then select the appropriate Failure Analysis combination from all combinations configured for all Assets.


5.   If the appropriate Failure Analysis combination is not available in a lookup list then select the applicable data values.

6.   Save the record.

As a result...

Business rules

Please note!

More information

Refer to the following topics in the Asset Register Administration user manual.

- Example -

Work Order R00021 was raised to fix the vibration in Gearbox No.9 and the Artisan who worked on the Asset recorded details about the work that was done.
The Supervisor or Foreman records failure analysis details for the Asset Component that failed.

  • Component:            Bearing

  • Failure type:            Mechanical Failure

  • Failure:                   Seized

  • Root Cause:            Lack of lubrication

  • Repair Type:           Replace and Lubricate